May 2, 2019

ICFA is the International Committee for Museums and Collections of Fine Arts. It was founded in 1980 and its membership is made up of around 1500 professionals employed by museums and galleries that collect and display Fine Arts.
Every year, the committee arranges a meeting. These meetings are platforms for discussing problems, exchanging opinions and developing strategies that shape ICFA. Subjects considered recently have included museum design and architecture, historic environments, and the illicit traffic in artworks.
ICFA organizes meetings on an annual basis and therewith provides a platform for members to exchange opinions and elaborate strategic plans. This gives members consequently the opportunity to initiate strategies that will develop ICFA’s future function and appearance. Board members can initiate working groups in order to follow an issue proven by majority decision. Relevant subjects can be taken in consideration, relevance has to be confirmed by the board.
The aim of ICFA is to promote and reevaluate the meaning of permanent exhibitions and collections in museums of Fine Arts. Its goal is to bring together colleagues from all over the world to promote the exchange of ideas about exhibitions, problems and possible solutions to museum-related themes ad subjects concerning exhibitions. Another goal of great importance is to further the understanding of museum colleagues’ work.
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